All about food

All about food

Thursday, July 24, 2014

My creation of Finger Food!

I enjoyed creating them using some simple ingredients, cut,cooked and put them together - cucumbers, tomatoes, spring onions, prawns, eggs, chicken breast meat, tomato puree, mayonnaise and arranged them on a platter to be served as Finger Food! It's "Simple yet yummylicious" and a satisfying effort!

(1) Egg in tomato shell

To make the tomato shell:

  1. Cut a small 'x' at the bottom of a tomato.  Bring a small pot of water to boil.  As soon as the water boils place the tomato in for roughly 20 seconds, remove and put it into a bowl of cold water for another 20 seconds. Remove, drain, and peel off the skin.
  2. Cut off the top part to make an opening. Scoop out the pulp and seeds and put them aside together with the top part to make the sauce.
  3. Sprinkle the inside of the tomato shells with some salt and pepper.  Set aside.
To make the sauce:
  1. Cut the leftover top part of the tomato into smaller pieces.
  2. Peel half an onion and finely chopped.
  3. some chopped spring onions.
  4. In a small pan, heat oil over medium fire, fry onion until soft, add the tomato pieces, pulp, seeds and chopped spring onions, give it a quick stir.
  5. Add in a tablespoon of tomato puree, dash of salt and pepper, to taste.  If the sauce is too thick, drizzle a bit of water, stir to mix well. 
  6. Once the sauce has thickened, remove from heat and set aside to cool.
To assemble:
  1. Get ready a hard boiled egg.
  2. Place the tomato shell on a serving dish, stuff either a hard boiled egg or half, depending on the size of the tomato into the shell and let it chill  in the refrigerator.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. of mayonnaise to the cooked sauce, stir to mix well and refrigerate to chill.
  4. Spoon sauce over egg just before serving.

(2) Stuffed Eggs

What to do:

  1. Get ready a hard boiled egg, cut it into half. Cut a thin slice off the bottom of each half to get a flat surface for the egg to sit on.
  2. Remove yolk, mash it in a bowl and leave aside.
  3. Boil water in a small pot with a dash of salt, put in the chicken breast and let it boil till cooked. Drain.
  4. Once the chicken is slightly cool, cut into small cubes and put aside.
  5. Chop some spring onions.
  6. Once every ingredients are ready, put them all in a bowl - egg yolk, chicken cubes, and chopped spring onions.
  7. Add a tablespoon of mayonnaise into the ingredients with a dash of salt and pepper and mix well.
  8. Spoon mixture onto the egg white to fill up the shallow well where the yolk is before we scoop it out and serve chilled on Chinese Spoon.

(3) Fresh Prawns served on cucumbers

What to do:
  1. Shelled some fresh prawns, deveined and leave tail intake.
  2. Bring a small pot of water to a boil, put in prawns, once it turn pink drain and put aside to cool.
  3. Prepare some sliced cucumbers and spring onions.
  4. To assemble, put a piece of cucumbers on a plate, spoon some mayonnaise on the center, place a prawn on top of the mayonnaise sitting on it's back and garnish with a stick of spring onion over the prawn.
  5. Serve chilled.

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