All about food

All about food

Monday, July 1, 2024

Twister Sugar Bread

Another bread recipe which triggers my taste bud, and with all available ingredients in my pantry, I get to try it out.  Yummy... with the sweetness of the sugar on the top, I just eat it as it is, without any spread.  I can have it any time of the day...

This recipe is adapted from 'my mind patch,' and to get the full recipe click this link here.

For information, I use the ingredients provided for in this recipe, but for the process of making it, I use my own method which I have adapted throughout my 2 years journey of bread making.

Pictures to share throughout the process of making this yummylicious bread...

Ready for first proofing

After first proofing

Ready for second proofing

Ready for baking

Tada... out of the oven!

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