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All about food

Friday, July 26, 2024

Vietnamese Caramel Ginger Chicken

This Vietnamese chicken dish is so full of flavour infused into the chicken during the process of braising.  It doesn't need marinating.


3 chicken thigh fillets (skinless) - cut into large 1 1/2" pieces

1 1/2 tbsp. fish sauce

1 bird's eye chili (deseeded and finely chopped) - optional

1 1/2 tbsp. cooking oil

2 tbsp. brown sugar, lightly packed

1" thick piece ginger (peeled and finely julienned)

1 shallot (peeled, halved then finely sliced)

1/4 cup boiling water, add a bit more if needed

Fresh coriander/cilantro or spring onion slices - for garnish

  1. Toss the chicken in the fish sauce and chili (if using).  Then set aside while you prepare the other ingredients.
  2. In a large non-stick pan over medium heat, add oil and sugar and stir.  As the pan heats up the sugar will melt and form a caramel.  As soon as it has melted, take the pan off the stove before adding in the chicken.  This is precaution as the caramel does sizzle a bit when you add the chicken, and it will splash.  By taking it off the stove, we don't need to worry.
  3. Slide the chicken in carefully (don't throw it in!), then add in the shallot and ginger.  Toss briefly to coat, then return to the stove. The caramel may harden but that is fine, it will re-melt on the stove.
  4. Stir the chicken until it changes from pink to white but the inside will still be raw.  Add water then let it come up to a simmer.
  5. Simmer for about 10 minutes, and stir often, until the sauce reduces down into a brown glaze that coats the chicken.  
  6. After about 10 minutes, the liquid will have reduced right down and transformed into brown sticky glaze that coats the chicken.  At this stage you need to stir often to ensure the sauce doesn't get burn on the base of the pot.  Reduce the heat if you are concerned.
  7. Once done, off the stove and remove onto a serving dish.  Garnish.  Serve immediately with freshly cooked white rice.
This delicious recipe is adapted from 'recipetineats' with slight adjustments to suit my cooking preference.

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