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All about food

Friday, August 2, 2024

Chicken Burger Patties Recipe

It has been quite a while since I make burgers at home.  I always like the idea of a change once a while, than cooking our usual Chinese food for our meals.  So, I decided to bake Burger Buns this morning, and make chicken patties, and this will be our lunch for today!


500 g. minced chicken (thighs and breast)

1 egg

1/2 cup bread crumbs (panko)

1/4 cup onion (peeled and minced)

1/2 tsp. chicken stock granules

1/2 tsp. ground white pepper

3/4 tbsp. oyster sauce


  1. In a bowl, combine ground chicken, bread crumbs, onion, chicken stock granules, oyster sauce and pepper.  Mix until well combined.
  2. Form into patties, making sure they are evenly sized for consistent cooking.
  3. In a heated pan, add cooking oil, and pan fry the patties until fully cooked and browned on both sides.
  4. Remove from pan and set aside.
  5. Assemble the chicken burger according to your preference.
  6. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

I adapted this recipe from 'ChefexperienceculinaryBOOK' with some adjustments to suit my cooking preference.  The original recipe uses ground beef, but I use chicken.

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