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All about food

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Deep-fried fish topped in yummy sauce

600g fish of your choice (wash, dry with paper towel, rub with a bit of salt)
enough oil to deep-fry fish

Ingredients A:
1 tbsp ginger (shredded)
3 pips garlic (sliced)
half an onion (peel and cut into wedges)
1 tomato (cut into wedges)

Ingredients B:
3/4 cup water
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
Dash of sugar (to taste)
Dash of salt (to taste)

Ingredients C:
1 chilli (sliced)
2 stalks spring onion (cut into sections of 1 1/2" length)

Steps to cook:
  1. Put enough oil in wok, deep-fry fish till crispy. Drain and put aside in a serving plate.
  2. Using 3 tbsp of the same oil used for frying fish, fry ginger and garlic of ingredients A till fragrant, then follow by onion and tomato wedges till well mixed.
  3. Add in ingredients B, stir well till it boils, taste to get the correct seasoning of your liking.
  4. Add in ingredients C, stir well to mix and pour over fried fish.
  5. Serve with freshly cooked, hot white rice.
Notes: I have tried using White Pomfret to cook this dish using the whole fish and it taste yummy too.  The combination of the sauce ingredients and seasonings blend well and it's a yummylicious and appetizing dish.

1 comment:

  1. Tried this dish few days ago and it's simple and delicious. Will include this menu in my family's home-cooked dish. Thanks for sharing.
